• Contribute to the development of the national economy

The visit of Lady Olga Maitland, chairman of ABBC to CGMP


As part of the strengthening of bilateral relations between the Public Procurement Guarantee Fund (CGMP) and the British-Algerian Business Council (ABBC), Lady Olga Maitland, chairman of ABBC, visited the institution's headquarters last Thursday.

The visit of Lady Olga Maitland, chairman of ABBC to CGMP

In-depth discussions took place on ways to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions in the economic, public procurement, and entrepreneurship fields, as well as the importance of strengthening information exchange and supporting partnerships between British and national institutions.

The visit of Lady Olga Maitland, chairman of ABBC to CGMP

Lady Olga Maitland expressed her admiration for the progress made by the institution and praised the existing spirit of cooperation and innovation. She also expressed her optimism about future cooperation between the two institutions.